Kirby License and SaaS business


I would like to ask a simple question concerning the Kirby license.
Are we allowed to build a SaaS business based on Kirby if we buy a pro licence for each new client ?

Each client will have his own VPS server with an installation of Kirby.

I ask because in the License Agreement we can read:
You may not:

Distribute derivative works based on the Software;
Sell, assign, license, disclose, distribute, or otherwise transfer or make available the Software or its Source Code, in whole or in part, in any form to any third parties;
Use the Software to provide services to others;

I’ve found example of Saas project built with Kirby in this thread:

So I suppose we maybe finally use Kirby for a Saas Business ?
Does anyone can confirm ? Poke @bastianallgeier ?

As far as I know, @samnabi has built a SaaS business with Shopkit as well…

Yes, Shopzest is in pilot testing at the moment. It would be great to get some clarification here, though. In my case, I use a multisite version of Kirby and all the clients are on the same VPS.

We generally say “one license per domain”, so you’d need one license per client in both cases (it doesn’t matter if the sites are on the same or separate VPS). It should be fine to “rent the license out” to your clients, but you can’t make a business out of selling/renting out Kirby licenses. But since you offer a service on top of Kirby, that’s not what you do. :wink: