Kirby does not create the first user

Hello and sory abot my bad english, i’ german…
If there anybody outthere who can help me, i’m very happy:

After instaling Kirby on a nginx system, with php 7.1 i can go to the panel, but the panel don’t create a first user, it goes every time i try this to the first panel site.

Thanks for your help!!!


Is that on a remote server? If so, you can only install the Panel on a remote server, if you have set panel.install to true in your config.php:

Other possible issues:

  • URL rewrite does not work (do subpages work?)
  • the PHP user cannot write to file
  • maybe your nginx setup is somehow not correct (I’m not familiar with nginx, I’m afraid)

Kirby works on nginx and 7.1. (im not familar with nginix, but my local server runs it and 7.1).

The times i have seen failed first user creation is down to PHP write errors, or file permissions.

Check the the file / folder permissions, particularly on the accounts folder and and anything below and including the content folder.

What happens if you upload the standard Kirby Starter kit instead of your website?

Please also check your server error logs… maybe it gives us a hint what is happening here. Might also be a session problem.

Thanks for very fast answers.
I’ll try your solution proposals and i post the results here :slight_smile:
