Kirby CLI PHP warning

I finally got around to making use of Kirby CLI. However when running kirby install:panel and kirby install:core, i get PHP warnings about the attempts to rename and move files. I get operation not permitted errors and cross device errors. I guess the first issue is permissions related and i think the cross device is something to do with having my code on a second harddrive, not the system and its failing to copy from one volume to the other. This is running on OSX running PHP 7.1.8 which i think was installed via homebrew.

How do i fix this?

Anyone else run into this issue?

I recently reconfigured composer and kirby to run globally on my server and ran into this issue for the first time. Don’t know if it’s related to my recent changes or not.

When I run…
kirby install:core

I get…
PHP Warning: rename(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in ...

Glad its not just me!

I think theres a potential solution in this thread Kirby CLI: Can't create kirby installations

I havent tried it myself