Hi all, long-time lurker (and perpetual neophyte love of all things Kirby) here, running into what is likely an obvious CLI hurdle. I hope! I’ve successfully used the command line tool in the past, but for some reason my setup isn’t playing nice with it this time. The CLI will download starterkit, but it won’t subsequently create the new kirby site structure.
I’m using Ubuntu 16.04, with (to my knowledge) everything needed to run a LAMP setup installed. I’ve tried installing composer both with the officially-documented method and through apt. Also please note in the results below that bin folder is known to my PATH (so I can run e.g. composer global update getkirby/cli
with no issue). Here’s what happens:
$ kirby install kirby-test-0
Installing the starterkit...
Downloading from: https://github.com/getkirby/starterkit/archive/master.zip
PHP Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in /home/james/.config/composer/vendor/getkirby/cli/src/Command.php on line 89
Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in /home/james/.config/composer/vendor/getkirby/cli/src/Command.php on line 89
PHP Warning: rename(/tmp//tmp/kirby-getkirby-starterkit-5883bce0293c6/starterkit-master/.gitignore,kirby-test-0/.gitignore): No such file or directory in /home/james/.config/composer/vendor/getkirby/cli/src/Command.php on line 93
Warning: rename(/tmp//tmp/kirby-getkirby-starterkit-5883bce0293c6/starterkit-master/.gitignore,kirby-test-0/.gitignore): No such file or directory in /home/james/.config/composer/vendor/getkirby/cli/src/Command.php on line 93
.gitignore could not be copied
install [-k|--kit [KIT]] [--dev] [--] [<path>]
I’m fairly certain this is elementary server admin stuff; I wish I could figure it out on my own. If you feel you know why this might be happening, I’d greatly appreciate any advice or insight you could provide!