Warning: file_put_contents(/tmp/kirby-getkirby-starterkit-58629a924ee76.zip): failed to open stream: No such file or direc
tory in C:\Users\lcd34\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\getkirby\cli\src\Command.php on line 66
it happens with any file that it downloads (plugins kirby update kirby install)
This is weird as I didn’t change anything in my settings except for updating it. It worked before.
Also no other composer commands that need to write have problems, do you have any suggestions on what to do?
This issue seems to be related to Windows, as the path /tmp is wrong there. Have you tried installing the old version of the CLI again? That’s important to verify that it’s indeed the update that caused the issue and not some change in the setup you don’t see.