Hi guys, I can’t seem to type anything into blocks, this is a fresh installation with 3.9.4, is it an issue with PHP version ? it is 8.2. Letters show and hide, nothing gets retained.
Have you tried the latest Kirby 3 version? Or why did you choose that one for a new install?
Do you see any errors in the console?
That was the latest I could find. Actually, starterkit 3.9.4. I’m working off starter kits. This is the console. (Firefox)
I just bought Kirby 4 license and ran Starter kit for Kirby 4 as well, same results. But with different error messages. Now, Images are not loading as well (image links are getting 500 internal server error). My PHP is 8.3
This sounds similar: Adding text not working in Blocks - #8 by flokosiol
I’m on shared hosting, i have enabled libxml, simplexml, xml PHP extensions. Still doesn’t work for me. As you can see, texts don’t appear, image thumbnails don’t appear as well.
Please double-check if your hosting fulfills all requirements as described in the docs: Quickstart | Kirby CMS
For thumbnails to work, the gd library is required.
GD PHP extension is enabled. Apache is the server. The hosting provider even provides Kirby 4 installation script via Softaculous.
Then maybe use Kirby 4, doesn’t make much sense to start a new project with Kirby 3.
Yeah Kirby 4 also same issue, the latest images I’ve posted today are from Kirby 4. I found the problem with thumbnails (even though GD is enabled, it doesn’t load) but not the text.
Have you double-checked the other required PHP extensions? Where are you hosting?
All working good now, the issue was - had to enable all extensions and request a server restart from hosting provider. Thanks!