It’s finally time to start the beta phase for Kirby 4. We are getting closer now and today we are excited to release 4.0.0-beta.1
You will see in the release notes that the list of fixes and enhancements after the alphas got pretty long. We didn’t find the time yet to create a new v4 starterkit, demokit or plainkit for you, but if you want to give v4 a try, our good old method still works:
- replace the kirby folder in your current installation with the one from the release
- throw away the media/panel folder (should normally not be necessary, but sometimes there might be cache issues)
We will work on an updated starterkit and demokit in the next weeks. We also really need your help with tests. You are using Kirby in so many different awesome ways and setups and it’s impossible for us to anticipate them all. Please, report your issues here:
We will have a few more betas until the launch. So don’t worry if something does not work yet. There will be more time for fixes. We can’t wait for your feedback!