Kirby 3.5.7 and 3.6.0-alpha.1

Today is a big day for us. We don’t just have one release, we have two :scream:

3.5.7 is an improvement and security release. You can find all about it in our changelog: Release 3.5.7 · getkirby/kirby · GitHub

And then it’s finally time to tell you a bit more about 3.6.0 :tada:

This release is going to be the biggest milestone for us since Kirby 3. We don’t just want to throw it at you like that though. That’s why we are releasing the first developer preview (3.6.0-alpha.1) today, together with a feature site and docs. We want you to be able to follow the development and roadmap over the summer as closely as possible. We are excited to hear your feedback!

But I don’t want to waste too many words over here. Check out 3.6.0-alpha.1:
Kirby 3.6 | Kirby CMS :rocket:


Hi Kirby Team!

In 3.6 the panel will still run with Vue 2, right? Are there any plans to move to Vue 3 in one of the next releases?



It’s being discussed if and when this change should be made, but currently there is no concrete plan.

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That is amazing work, congratulations. Can’t wait to see it released, and a reason to delve into it :smiley:

At Nolt, @lukasbestle said that immutable IDs for pages may come with 3.6, but that does not seem to be the case, is it ?

Is that feature on the roadmap somewhere ?

I am making a website where this is needed, and I am wondering if perhaps it would be a good idea to wait for the feature, or just use bnomei’s autoid and hope for a painless migration afterwards.

Thank you

3.6 turned out to become the maintenance release we planned for, so it doesn’t look like this feature will be included in 3.6.

I can’t promise anything yet, but we’ll definitely try to provide a clear migration path from the AutoID plugin if it’s doable.

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