Hey there,
Is there a default way to place soft-hypens (i.e. ­
) in the content?
The Markdown syntax does not include a special formatting for soft hyphens, but you can use the HTML entity ­
directly in your Markdown/Kirbytext content.
That does not work easily as it would sometimes just strip those out when saving the content.
Even if they are still there as invisible UTF8-Characters, the editor still loses control over them.
In this case I’ll go for an addon (: Thanks anyway!
Oh, you mean in the Panel? Yes, that’s true. I have created an issue over on GitHub.
Ah great! Sorry for the confusion
You can use Kirbytext filters to prevent the replacing with a Unicode char. I use {{shy}}
for example:
File site/plugins/textsnippets.php
kirbytext::$pre[] = function($kirbytext, $value) {
$snippets = c::get('kirbytext.snippets', array());
$values = array_values($snippets);
$keys = array_map(function($key) {
return '{{' . $key . '}}';
}, array_keys($snippets));
return str_replace($keys, $values, $value);
And in the config:
c::set('kirbytext.snippets', array(
'shy' => '­',
See http://getkirby.com/docs/advanced/kirbytext#kirbytext-filters