I have a markdown-field with some text in it;
The only markdown-option is bold , as you can see in the example above.
Now I want to spit out this text - with all the “bold” markup - inside a H2-tag;
I styled the H2, so the “bold” text is not bold - and has a lighter gray color.
This way, my client can easily select the words in the H2-tag that must have some highlights / accents.
But of course the html-output is something like this;
<h1><p>Normal text with <strong>a nice accent</strong> in it</h1>
It’s not allowed to have <p>
wrapped in a <h2>
, so how can I remove the wrapped-p-tags?
I get the value with something like <?php echo $page->titletag()->kirbytext(); ?>
I tried this solution, but none of them worked;
I have something like this:
which of cause renders into something this:
<span><p>Lorem <a href="#">Ispum</a></p></span>
but I want something like this (without the p-Element)
<span>Lorem <a href="#">Ispum</a></span>
I tried to create a new field method , which would be fine. But I don’t know how to convert (link: # text: Lorem) to <a href="#">Lorem</a>.
Any smart ideas for this?
###Is there anyway to preserve the markdown, but without the wrapper p-tags?
I used to use this function to remove p tags from images in older Kirby versions, you could adapt that for your purposes:
function remove_ptags_from_images($text) {
return preg_replace('/<p>\s*(<a .*>)?\s*(<img .* \/>)\s*(<\/a>)?\s*<\/p>/iU', '\1\2\3', $text);
Thanks - I did indeed ended up with that “plugin”.
I can now parse markdown in my header-tags, without p
Maybe it’s not the best approach to style text inside a header; but I prefer to style it visually (using the markdown textfield).
I think it’s a good way. Actually I’m doing nearly the same on my website (I’m using a simple text
field to save some space. To make sure I alway get a proper <title>
tag I use two fields for the title, where the one containing kirby tags / markdown is optional.
In this field I’m using Kirby pre text filters to replace {{TeX}}
with the TeX logo; see http://tobiw.de/en/tex-consulting-and-programming
I created a plugin getTitle.php
to fetch the right title field:
usage: getTitle($page, $echo)
- $page = page object
- $echo = boolean (optional)
function getTitle($page, $echo=true) {
// get title
if ($page->htmltitle()->empty()) {
$title = $page->title();
} else {
$title = $page->htmltitle()->kirbytextRaw();
// echo or return title
if ($echo) {
echo $title;
return null;
} else {
return $title;
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Instead of the helper function, you could use a page method from Kirby 2.3:
page::$methods['htmltitle'] = function($page, $echo=true) {
// get title
if ($page->content()->htmltitle()->empty()) {
$title = $page->title();
} else {
$title = $page->content()->htmltitle()->kirbytextRaw();
// echo or return title
if ($echo) {
echo $title;
return null;
} else {
return $title;
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Thanks … that looks nice. I’ll keep it in mind until 2.3 is stable
A tidy option would be to use PHP’s strip_tag function and set <strong>
as the allowed tag.
<?= strip_tags( $page->titletag()->kt(), '<strong>' ) ?>
Just in case you’re still wondering after 2 years.
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September 19, 2019, 7:29pm
And for those of us who came through a search here:
Kirby 3 has now kirbytextinline()