Installation problem!

Hi All,

I’ve a problem installink Kirby on my server! Is a shared one and I have pointing to root/subfolder/anotherfolder/

Kirby is located on root/subfolder/anotherfolder/kirby but I see a server default page when i try to open

I’he already edited the .htaccess file enabling RewriteBase /kirby. I also tried root/subfolder/anotherfolder/kirby but nothing change!

I’m missing something?

Everithing look’s perfect on my local machine! Do you have any suggestion?



Hi SuperAtic,

/ is your Root!

You must set

RewriteBase **/**subfolder/anotherfolder/folder-you-install-kirky

Try it … or see in the error-log from your server

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Great! Thanks JanG, work at the first try.Too easy :smile: