Image resize and crop

Hi there,

I’ve got issues with the image crop and resize function.
It’s working on my local xampp server but on my web server. I can see the jobs and Kirby is also creating new files containing the desired dimensions in the filename. Nevertheless the new files have the same size and dimensions as the original one.

For resizing to work, you need the GD library to be present and enabled. You can check this with phpinfo()which should give you a section like this:

thanks for your answer. Here is what my phpinfo.php looks like

i know i had to activate gd lib on my local setup because gd2 changed its name to gd in php8

Ok, and you haven’t enabled the im thumbs driver in your config, either?

I tried it with and without. On my local xampp environment it’s working without the driver…

The problem occurs only on png files. webp is working. i’ll use webp then

Probably a misunderstanding, just wanted to make sure you didn’t have the im driver activated.