Footnotes: external hyperlink rendering weirdly

I have been using the Footnotes | Kirby CMS Plugins in my current Kirby4 project, using the blocks editor and generally, it works very well.

Except having encountered an issue rendering external hyperlinks in footnotes and wondered if the community can help me (or rather if there is a simple solution).

Whenever I create a hyperlink with target: _bank, in the HTML it creates two link objects. One with the target but without the link text and another one with the link text but without target: _blank. See the screenshots attached as an examples.

I’m using the integration setup:

<?php  echo $page->text()->toBlocks()->collectFootnotes();  ?>
<?php echo Footnotes::footnotes(); ?>

My setup in the blocks editor. Adding/removing link title makes no difference

How the footnote is rendered in the frontend

How the footnote is rendered in HTML

Pinging @sylvainjule – I saw the plugin explicitly supports blocks fields (that’d have been otherwise my guess for where the problem starts), so it might be a bug in the plugin parsing the field.

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