Hey everyone,
I am using this plugin for footnotes: GitHub - sylvainjule/kirby-footnotes: Footnotes plugin for Kirby 3 and 4 and I have troubles getting it to work with blocks.
In the docs it says that there is only a temporary solution so far:
this is in blogpost.yml:
<?php $blocks = $page->text()->toBlocks();
$startAt = 1;
$notes = [];
$applyTo = ['text', 'markdown']; ?>
<div class="text-container">
<?php foreach($blocks as $block):
if(in_array($block->type(), $applyTo)):
// we get the text with footnotes references but no bottom footnotes container
$text = $block->text()->withoutBlocksFootnotes($startAt);
// instead, we get an array of the block's footnotes, and append it to our $notes array
$notesArr = $block->text()->onlyBlocksFootnotes($startAt);
if($notesArr !== '') {
foreach($notesArr as $f) { $notes[] = $f; }
// the first note of the next block will now start at (number of current notes + 1)
$startAt = count($notes) + 1;
echo $text;
echo $block;
endforeach; ?>
// if there were notes
<?php if(count($notes)): ?>
<div class="notes-container">
// we manually call the 'footnotes_container' snippet
<?php snippet('footnotes_container', ['footnotes' => implode('', $notes)]) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Unfortunately, I have troubles getting even the temporary solution to work.
- heading
name: section
type: text
type: textarea
type: date
display: MM/DD/YYYY
the block snippet section.php looks like this:
<div class="chapter">
<div class="chapter-background">
<?= $block->headline()?>
<article class="row">
<?= $block->text()->footnotes()?>
Lastly I have my page blogpost.php:
<?php snippet('header') ?>
<?php $blocks = $page->text()->toBlocks();
$startAt = 1;
$notes = [];
$applyTo = ['text', 'markdown']; ?>
<div class="text-container">
<?php foreach($blocks as $block):
if(in_array($block->type(), $applyTo)):
// we get the text with footnotes references but no bottom footnotes container
$text = $block->text()->withoutBlocksFootnotes($startAt);
// instead, we get an array of the block's footnotes, and append it to our $notes array
$notesArr = $block->text()->onlyBlocksFootnotes($startAt);
if($notesArr !== '') {
foreach($notesArr as $f) { $notes[] = $f; }
// the first note of the next block will now start at (number of current notes + 1)
$startAt = count($notes) + 1;
echo $text;
echo $block;
endforeach; ?>
<?php if(count($notes)): ?>
<div class="notes-container">
<?php snippet('footnotes_container', ['footnotes' => implode('', $notes)]) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php snippet('footer') ?>
Here I make use of the temporal solution provided. Yet, it renders each block individually with the footnotes after the respective blocks. As a result, the footnotes for each blog start with “1” instead of being calculated accross the page – which the solution was supposed to solve.
Did anybody use this plugin before and got it to work with blocks?