New Kirby user here. Am doing a fresh install on a server with apache2. Having followed all the installation steps am getting an all white page except top right it says
Debugging so far I have
ensured php module mbstring is enabled
Uncommented the RewriteBase / in the .htaccess file
installed a clean kirby3 starterkit instead of my site
checked php version is 8.0
changed .htaccess to a junk file which resulted in a internal error
The apache server is working as I am able to successfully serve a static index.html without any of the kirby files present.
For the fresh starter kit I did not make any amendments to the index.php. Would you be able to share with me an official .htaccess file? There is not one in the git repo.
The .htaccess file is in the Starterkit repo or when you download it, maybe you cannot see it in your file system because files starting with a dot a by default hidden, so you have to make these files visible.
But a missing .htaccess would not result in your server not processing PHP.
If your server runs a static .html file that doesn’t mean that PHP is working, you have to check that.
When i make the file with the content as you suggest and then navigate to I get a blank page. Apologies for the 101 question but is there something I need to do to “turn on php”?
I can see that when I run php -v
PHP 8.0.21 (cli) (built: Jul 13 2022 08:26:57) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.0.21, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v8.0.21, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
And when I run php -m I get a list of all modules including the dependencies needed for Kirby.
Do you have any suggestions about what I might be doing wrong?
But that only means that PHP is installed on your machine and available on the command line. It doesn’t mean that your Apache web server is running PHP.
Are you running Apache locally? How did you install?
What’s curious is that when I put this in phpinfo.php then it renders correctly and displays “hello World”
echo '<div>hello World</div';
I am running Apache on Digital Ocean and I followed their installation steps and ditto with php (I followed their steps with one major exception. I was not able to apt-get and found that I needed to first do these steps