Files and Pages Panel fields fail on iOS

Is there any reason these fields shouldn’t work properly in the panel on my phone? Trying to edit a page, if I click ‘add’ (or ‘add’ then ‘select’ for files) the page just reloads instead. This is Kirby 3.5.6. I’ve tried Safari and Chrome and two different sites hosted on different servers and get the same result. Thanks.

The first step would be to check if that issue is still present in the current Kirby version

ok. Sure, that makes sense. Thanks.
Updated to 3.5.71 and the issue’s still there. Safari reloads, Chrome throws up a sick face folder icon and ‘can’t open this page.’ or reloads (can’t see a pattern to which and why)

@duncanmunro I’ve had that problem as well. Do you have the field in a tab?

While this is about replacing files and closed, I think it’s probably related: Replacing files fails on iOS 14 · Issue #3077 · getkirby/kirby · GitHub

Maybe you can reopen it with more information or create a new issue.

no. no tabs.