can I edit the appearance of the user list in the panel?
Like changing the view to cards or showing some info next to the user name with the query language (e.g. last modified)?
Does there have to be something like a “users.yml” in the blueprint/users folder to achieve this?
Sorry if this has already been discussed before, but I can’t find anything about it .
Yes and no.
No, because you can’t achieve this with a blueprint or any other setting currently.
Yes, because if you are into Vue.js, you can create a custom user view.
Maybe it’s not even that complicated to extend the Users view if all you want to change is the layout, looks like you can copy and paste the current view, change the layout of the collection and that’s about it (but maybe I’m naive )
I’ve added a fore- and surname field to each user, actually my plan was to display those names in the list overview and also sort them by surname…
I’ll give it a try as well.
Thanks again and have a great evening!
And the in UsersView.vue, copy/paste the stuff from the original users view and play around with the stuff, e.g. add layout="cards" to the <k-collection> component.