the question may / certainly has been asked several times. Unfortunately, the issue is not clear to me.
When I create a page and publish it, the Kirby content folder contains the respective folder and a TXT document. Does the name of this TXT document always refer to the template to be used?
When I create a page in the starter kit, the name is always default.txt. In the Notes always note.txt. No matter what the actual name is.
In the About folder there is about.txt, why? Where was this enabled? How can I enable in the panel to select or automatically use a different template?
When I create a page “Project”, ideally it should automatically use the template project.php, which is in the Templates folder. But unfortunately it does not because of the default.txt that was created.
I have approximately ( understood that here the appropriate blueprint plays a crucial role.
These options are inherited?
Without context, we cannot tell if your settings are correct. Please post the complete section definition or if need be the complete (shortened) blueprint.
changeTemplate belongs in the blueprint options, and defines if the user is allowed to switch between the available templates for the subpages.