Later when the website goes live, the Editors should add/edit any Members and Partners through these tabs. I may also add another tab (ex: “Page setup”) so that the Editors may update any texts/images on the page.
So here’s the problem – the link to “about+members” and “about+partners” are clickable through:
The panel breadcrumbs
About / members / Person 1
About / partners / Company 1
The section’s label in each tab
Clicking the link will open a page with the default panel blueprint.
Is there any way to make it unclickable? Or maybe hide it from the breadcrumbs?
Maybe I’m not structuring the content for Kirby properly? Is there a better way to approach this? Any suggestions are also welcome.
You could use a structure field but depending on your use case pages can have advantages (uuid for example).
I think the simplest way would be to create a blueprint for the pages members and about with only a subpages section (members and partners) and maybe a link to the parent page. In case someone clicks on them, they can easily go back or to a subpage. It’s not the most beautiful solution, but the user can navigate.
You can always hide the breadcrumbs in the panel, but that removes usability.
I guess you referring to the parent pages members and partners that don’t have a specific template assigned? You could make them non-accessible in the Panel by setting the access option to false in their blueprint (would require a separate blueprint if default is used for other pages).
Oh, I tried that before and nothing happened because I forgot to write it under options:…
Now I did it correctly, the behaviour is kind of expected, but not something what I want the Editors to see. The link is still clickable. But upon click, Kirby will show error message “page … cannot be found”:
Using a structured field seems to be another option. But if in the near future we wanted to have individual page for each member, I believe Kirby didn’t provide any way to display the saved structured data as a single page?
I may have some idea/workaround on how to do so, but I’ll have to code on my own.
For now, I ended up moving the “Members” & “Partners” folders to the content root. And then inside “About” panel, I linked the tab to each folder:
You can separate them by blueprint. User member blueprint for members and person blueprint when creating persons. So allow two templates in the section, which will allow users to choose the right one depending on what they want to create.
Then in your template, you can filter by this blueprint.
Oh wait… Isn’t that is basically what I’ve just did? I only need to update/remove the parent. I can still use my “separate by tabs” idea and no need to use the conditional field.