Create a subpage


I can create subpage with a pages preset in my blueprint, but I don’t start from a preset.

With a type: pages, is it possible to create page from the panel (not a related, just a new) ?

You mean, what element you need to use to be able to create subpages of a given page? Then a section with the parent property set to this page is the way to go.

You can find examples in the Starterkit and in the docs.

Thank you Pixelijn,

Starterkit uses preset page…

I have this :
Capture d’écran 2021-03-17 à 11.34.22

I want this :
Capture d’écran 2021-03-17 à 11.34.55

The first is a field, you want a section

For example:

Where the section itself is defined in

The Starterkit only used preset in default.yml.

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I need to read the manual… Not easy to understand this part for me.