Controll available presets for page creation


is there a possibility to controll the available presets in the pages fieldtype?
For example the homepage, and imprint have Layouts which i dont want to be in the presetlist for my customer, if he wants to create a new page.



You can control the available template to be used for each section separately in the pages section

In addition to setting the templates option, you can use the create option. E.g. if you set

    type: pages
      - a
      - b
      - c
    create: a

Then pages with templates a, b and c will be listed in the section, but users will only be able to create new pages with template a in this example.

Many Thanks for some reason i overlooked that.

    - a
    - b

did the job for me

I now noticed, that it doesnt matter which of those 2 Layouts i select, always my default.yml with the Title “Standard Seitenlayout” will be taken. I have a blog-item.yml with “Standard Beitragslayout” but if i add this string into the create field, it wont refer to this yml. Do i have to refer in an other way? Currently i am using the “title:” value in the yml.

Could you please post your section?

Or have a look at the site.yml in the Starterkit. The last section has an example.

Do these blueprints actually exist? With which content file filename are the pages created?


i already watched the site.yml from the Starterkit, but this didnt helped first.
I realised, that i just have to refer to the filename. So if i want to include default.yml and blog-item.yml i have to do it like that:


I tried first to define the text which is setted like that: “defaul: Standard Seitenlayout”, but Kirby gets the text automatically by the title Propertie.

Thanks for your help