Contribute to panel translation

Hello, there.

I would like to contribute to the translation of the Kirby panel in Portuguese (Portugal), since some translations are not ideal (are in Portuguese from Brazil) and others are missing.

I’ve already registered in the Transifex platform and requested to join the group a couple of weeks ago, but had no response yet.

Am I proceeding correctly to be able to contribute or is there another way?

Thank you!

I see a request. Are you the person who requested English (Portugal) (en_PT)? I don’t know and just to be sure, shouldn’t it be Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR? And we have Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR) language in Transifex.

The right translation would be pt_PT, for Portuguese from Portugal

Hum, the English (Portugal) must have been by mistake. I didn’t realize I requested it. Sorry about that.

As @texnixe said, it is pt_PT and that’s the one I requested to join, because it can be very different from pt_BR in some cases.

I can already see your name in pt_PT translators in Transifex. Now you can contribute to the language.

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Yes, I accepted the request.


Thank you very much! I already tried it a little to see how it works and it seems pretty straightforward.

Happy Holidays!