I tried today to access the panel like I’ve been doing this last week and I can’t anymore.
It tells me passwords don’t match and gives me this console error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
1. code: 400
2. details: []
3. exception: "Kirby\\Exception\\InvalidArgumentException"
4. file: "/artworld/kirby/src/Cms/User.php"
5. key: "error.user.password.notSame"
6. line: 945
7. message: "The passwords do not match"
8. route: "auth/login"
9. status: "error"
I’ve tried what it appears in other posts here in the forum but nothing seems to work for me (accessing without :88888, deleting sessions, etc)
I’m using MAMP.
Is there a know workaround for that?