Broken links when moving storage folder to Kirby 4

I’m not sure if the forum has already opened up for Kirby 4 related questions?
For a personal project I’m switching from Kirby 3 to 4. When I copy the existing storage folder it seems like the image-locations are broken. The preview is not displaying anymore:

When I click on the ‘url’ on the image-edit page I’m able to display it. However, my frontend will not display the images. Does this have to do with how the url is configured (UUIDs)?

It also seems to happen randomly… and svg’s do show up.

Did you remove the media folder?

I forgot to mention that. Yes I deleted the media-folder which was successfuly recreated when the new storage folder was added. I’ve also set it up as a headless api, but since it’s already not showing them on the panel I don’t think this affects it.

I just had the same problem when updating from the Beta to the RC Version.
I had ImageMagick in the config as the thumbs driver defined. When switched back to gd the thumbs showed up again.
When I now switch back to ImageMagick everything seems to work fine again.

This was it! thanks :slight_smile: I’ve forgotten that I changed the driver to ImageMagick. Switching to gd did the trick. However, switching back to ImageMagick afterwards (after removing the media folder again) broke the thumbs again. Gd is fine for now, but my previous server worked better with ImageMagick.

Glad this helped. Maybe someone could test to see if there is a Problem with ImageMagick in the latest 4.0 Version?

Does the new server even have ImageMagick installed?