Hey there,
I am experiencing the following behaviour when using the date field (on local and remote server) in my blueprint:
user selects a date from date picker
user saves page
wrong month and year is shown
user refreshes browser
right month and year is shown
I checked the content file — the right date is saved at all times. And any use case will show Nov 2023. Can anyone reproduce this or knows a solution?
Many thanks,
Which Kirby version are you using? Also, could you please post your yaml for the date field?
I was using Kirby 3.6.4 and tested it today on Kirby 3.7.4.
Both show the same behaviour.
My YAML looks like this:
label: Kalender beginnt bei
type: date
display: MMMM YYYY
step: month
time: false
width: 1/2
label: Kalender endet bei
type: date
display: MMMM YYYY
step: month
time: false
width: 1/2
Thanks. Do you have the same issue when no display format is defined?
Thanks — without the display format the right date is shown
I can use this as a workaround for now, but it would be nice to have this solved at some point. In my scenario the users do not need the day display as it adds confusion to them.
Many thanks for the quick fix @texnixe
I’ll check if this issue has already been reported.
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Found this one, probably related and your use case is mentioned in the last post in that thread:
opened 05:09PM - 21 Mar 22 UTC
type: bug 🐛
## Description
Date fields using the M/D/YY format behave erratically when at… tempting to manually enter dates. Selecting a date from the datepicker appears to work as expected. However, typing a date in the field often -- but not always -- produces incorrect results. The outcome varies depending on how the user interacts with the field.
Let's say I have an "Event Date" field and I want to specify a date of April 20, 2022. I select the field and type "4/20/22". If I then press TAB, the display changes to "4/8/23" and the first digit ("4") is highlighted. If I press TAB again, the display changes to "8/4/23". Continuing to press TAB toggles the display between those two strings.
If you then use your mouse cursor to click outside the field, the value switches to the _opposite_ of whatever was displayed. That is, "4/8/23" becomes "8/4/23" and "8/4/23" becomes "4/8/23".
If you save the entry and the field displays "4/8/23", the value saved for the field is 2023-04-08. If you save the entry while the field displays "8/4/23", the value saved for the field is 2023-08-04.
Now consider a different date -- April 10, 2022. If you type "4/10/22" and press TAB, the display changes to "10/4/22". If you then click outside the field, the display changes back to "4/10/22". If you save at that point, the saved value is 2022-04-10. If you instead type "4/10/22" and click outside the field, the display changes to "10/4/22". If you save at that point, the saved value is 2022-10-04.
**Expected behavior**
I expect that typing a string into a date field with M/D/YY format will result in that value being displayed correctly in the field; that pressing TAB after typing the string will take me to the next field; and that clicking outside of the field will not cause the field's displayed value to change.
Initial field state:

Typing date in M/D/YY format:

After pressing TAB:

After pressing TAB again:

## To reproduce
1. Create a new date field like so:
label: Sample Date Field
type: date
default: now
display: M/D/YY
2. Go to the Panel.
3. Tab to or click into the field.
4. Type "4/20/22" (April 20, 2022).
5. Press TAB.
6. Observe how the displayed value changes as described above.
7. Continue to press TAB and/or click outside the field and observe how the field (mis)behaves.
8. Save the entry at various points and observe in the content file how the saved value relates to the displayed value in the Panel.
9. Now type in "4/10/22" (April 10, 2022).
10. Press TAB.
11. Observe how the displayed value changes to "10/4/22".
12. Click outside the field. Observe how the displayed value changes back to "4/10/22".
13. Save the entry at various points and observe in the content file how the saved value relates to the displayed value in the Panel.
## Your setup
Kirby v3.6.2
**Console output**
**Your system**
- Device: Laptop
- OS: Windows 11
- Browser: Firefox
- Version: 98.0.1
**Additional context**
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Yes, sounds as this is the same behaviour — renestalder mentioned the exact bug.