Blueprint date field shows wrong month and year after user input

Hey there,

I am experiencing the following behaviour when using the date field (on local and remote server) in my blueprint:

  • user selects a date from date picker
  • user saves page
  • wrong month and year is shown
  • user refreshes browser
  • right month and year is shown

I checked the content file — the right date is saved at all times. And any use case will show Nov 2023. Can anyone reproduce this or knows a solution?

Many thanks,


Which Kirby version are you using? Also, could you please post your yaml for the date field?

I was using Kirby 3.6.4 and tested it today on Kirby 3.7.4.
Both show the same behaviour.

My YAML looks like this:

   label: Kalender beginnt bei
   type: date
   display: MMMM YYYY
   step: month
   time: false
   width: 1/2

   label: Kalender endet bei
   type: date
   display: MMMM YYYY
   step: month
   time: false
   width: 1/2

Thanks. Do you have the same issue when no display format is defined?

Thanks — without the display format the right date is shown :ok_hand:t3:

I can use this as a workaround for now, but it would be nice to have this solved at some point. In my scenario the users do not need the day display as it adds confusion to them.

Many thanks for the quick fix @texnixe

I’ll check if this issue has already been reported.

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Found this one, probably related and your use case is mentioned in the last post in that thread:

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Yes, sounds as this is the same behaviour — renestalder mentioned the exact bug.