Another panel error question after migration


After migrating a whole page from a dev-server to another server by copy-pasting all of the folders and files, the panel login-page is telling me: "The field class is missing for: blog.phpfield".

the front-end works
the panel url is accessible

Because the server is pretty slow and its timeout short, my guess is that not all files have been copied successfully.
I also tried:
re-uploading the folders and files
un-commented the RewriteBase to “/”
checked the permissions of the folders and files
set: c::set(‘url’ etc.
using two different FTP applications

Does anybody know to what specific folder or file the error line is referring?

the “fields” and “plugins” folders and the blog-files within those two folders, have been copied correctly
the PHP-version on the dev-server was PHP 5.6 but the PHP-version on the live-server is 7.1
the folders and files have been transferred via FTP not SFTP (no SFTP is available)


wtf, I deleted the file blog.php from the fields folder on the live-server. I don’t know what the file was doing there. (It’s a Kirby-template.) Still don’t know why it’s working on the dev-server though – anyways it’s working now.