503 error when edit page

Hi, I have problem with page that have over 30 fields. When I try to edit this page after 30 sec … browser shows 503 error. On other pages I don’t have this problem. Is it possible because page is have to many info? Or this could be of using plugins or custom fields?
Monosnap (some time its loads, but it loads very small, i have attached example video to shows how slow is page loading and how quick loads other pages)
Kirby and Panel version is 2.4.0

First of all I would try to disable all plugins and check if the error persists, then enable them again one by one.

Are there many different custom fields on that page?

I think that the problem that i use json files to load info to select fields http://take.ms/opgvi
And this can overload server… but this problem starts when we start adding textarea fields…
and upgrade kirby to 2.4.0

Have you tried to adapt the max_execution_time and memory_limit values?

Do you get any errors in your php_error log, or any javascript errors?

I moved to new server… and up
max_execution_time and

So 503 error is gone.
But Page in Panel is loading to slow.
I have some JSON files that connected in blueprints with this page…
But I don’t think that they “eat” to much memory
But if I delete them, and try to load - page is loads quickly. But I need them (for example I have JSON with countries, languages, currencies…)
Could it be problem with number of posts? I have 100 pages, maybe this is slowdown work?

How are the JSON files generated and from what sort of data?

this is example of JSON
and this is blueprint

All info I use with multiselect field so result you can see on this page https://99bookmakers.com/review/1xbet

title: Bookmaker Item
pages: false
  sortable: true
    label: Page Details
    type: tabs
    label: Bookmaker Name
    type: text
    label: Bookmaker Description
    type: textarea
    label: Affiliate Link
    type: multiselect 
    options: query
      page: go
      fetch: children
      value: '{{url}}'
      text: '{{title}}'
      flip: true
    label: About Bookmaker
    type: textarea
    label: Featured
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: About Background Color
    type: color
    width: 1/2
    label: About Font Color
    type: color
    width: 1/2
    label: Bookmaker Logo
    type: selector
    mode: single
     - image
    label: Site Screenshot
    type: gallery
    aspectRatio: 4:3
    label: Official Name
    type: text  
    label: Address
    type: text  
    label: Website URL
    type:  url
    label: Terms of Conditions
    type: url
    label: Privacy
    type: url
    label: Main Email
    type: email
    label: Phone Number
    type: tel
    label: Live Chat
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: Website Languages
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/language.json   
    label: Bookmaker Type
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/bookmaker_type.json
    label: Bookmaker License
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/license.json                       
    label: Online Since
    type: text
    label: Listed on Stock Exchange
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: Account Currencies
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/currency.json
    label: SSL Encryption
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: Fair Gaming Body
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/fair_gaming_body.json
    label: Markets
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/market.json
    label: Odds Formats
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/odds_formats.json
    label: Minimum Bet
    type: text
    label: Maximum Bet
    type: text
    label: Maximum Winning
    type: text
    label: Average Payout
    type: text
    label: Betting History
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: Live Betting
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: Live Streaming
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: Asian Handicap
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: Mobile Betting
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: Mobile App
    type: checkboxes
    columns: 3
      apple: Apple
      android: Android
      windows: Windows
    label: Advantages
    type: list
    placeholder: Add a new Advantage
    label: Disadvantages
    type: list
    placeholder: Add a new Disadvantage
    label: Deposit
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/payment.json
    label: Withdrawal
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/payment.json 
    label: Transaction History
    type: toggle
    text: yes/no
    label: Popular Countries
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/country.json 
    label: Excluded Countries
    type: multiselect
    options: https://99bookmakers.com/api/country.json

Hm, I guess these are pre-generated JSON files, not generated on the fly?

Do you use any plugins, like autogit or similar? Do pages have a lot of images?

yes this is pre-generated JSON files

I use this plugins http://take.ms/T1LZH
Right now on page only 2 images (plan to be 5-6)

Does not sound like a lot. Could you test if you get the same effect with a fresh Starterkit and those json files (using a simple select field)? Somehow, we have to narrow this down.

Im install clean Kirby
When I use plugin multi select pages loads slow as at production server
When I use simple select field pages loads much faster

:frowning: so sad, that the problem with multiselect field, but I need this functionality to choose few items, not just only one.

Im think that this isn’t PHP problem this is JS problem, because when page is loading, other pages from my site isn’t loading (I mean frontpages), but if I open other browser they loads fine.

Have you updated to the latest Kirby/Panel version (2.4.1)? When was the multi-select plugin updated last?

As I see in Multiselect field May 16

Yes i’m update kirby to 2.4.1
As You see in fresh kirby kit also this problem…

Any suggestions? What it could be? And how this problem can be resolved?

Hard to tell, at the moment it looks as if the problem is related to the multi-select field. But since when do you have the problem? Only after updating to 2.4 or before?

I think that the problem from 2.3.0 version… but I didn’t remember. Maybe problem no with kirby CMS, maybe I update multi-select field and this is the reason.

Well, I can reproduce this with a fresh Starterkit and the multi-select field. It seems that the more multi-select fields you add, the slower it gets, and you are using quite a few in a single page.

I tested with older version of the plugin, but the effect is the same.

Have you tried with adding the options manually rather then reading from file? At least the option lists are quite static, so it would not be necessary to read from file?

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Yep, without JSON it starts works much faster! Thanks a lot!!! You save me!

If you use global field definitions for each field, you can keep your blueprints clean of all the options.

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