Earlier this day, I was searching for a “shortcode” implemenation in Kirby.
Shortcodes are a Wordpress-thing (in this context), and do allow you to place “snippets” (or, "shortcodes - duh…) in your .php files.
echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form id="91" title="quote"]' );
This will create a complex contactform on the fly, with form-ID#91 and a <h1>quote</h1> tag…
Off course Kirby can do the same, using Kirbytags…
So there is no problem with that… but… I had to search for a (relative) long time to figure this out… so I was wondering…
“Why not create a migrationsheet or cheatsheet, specially designed for Wordpress-coders who want to migrate to the Kirby environment… populated with the most common code-terms?”
Something like this;
do_shortcode ..... kirbytag
get_the_ID() ..... $page->id()
define('WP_HOME','URI') ..... c::set('url',''URI')
…etc… it’s just an idea, maybe I’m the only one
(Disclaimer - maybe there are not that much Wordpress-developers here, but maybe there is a large (growing) crowd of developers migrating from CMS A/B/C to Kirby… so why not giving them a helping hand… I know there are migrationtools for Android-users switching to Windows Phone, and Illustrator-users to CorelDRAW, etc…).