I bought a license a few years ago, then moved my work to a different platform. I’m back using Kirby (because I discovered the book theme, which I just purchased) and wish to enter my Kirby license in the config file. However, all I could find in my old getkirby order emails is an order number. I entered the order number in the config file but still get the “buy a license” message. Is there a separate license key, besides the order number?
Yes, you should have received a separate mail with your license key (which is different from the order number). Please contact support@getkirby.com if you can’t find it anymore.
If it’s an old Kirby 1 license you should be able to search the subject for:
Your Kirby CMS Delivery Information
If it’s a Kirby 2 pro license you should be able to search the subject for:
Your Kirby 2 Professional License Delivery Information