Using a splash page separate from home page

I apologize if this is off-topic, I’m just wondering if there is a Kirby-specific solution here. If not, any help is appreciated!

So, I have a splash, and a home page. Right now, the splash is just a simple overlay that fades out when you click on it (jQuery), revealing the home page.

What I would like, is if the user visits the root URL, the splash loads, but if the user goes to /home, the splash doesn’t load. It would also be nice if the URL changes to /home when the splash is clicked, but this would probably require some AJAX or something. How would I achieve this?

Thank you!

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You can set a unique page up for the splash screen, and make it the home page in the config.

return [
  'home' => 'splash'

Then your existing home page should be accessible at /home. No need to ajax it i dont think, unless you still want it to load over the home page to reveal it. There are a few javascript page transition libraries out there that will make it feel like it is loading over the page, despite being separate pages.


For Kirby 3:


return [
  'home' => 'splash',

Yep thanks, post clash… i was fixing at as you posted.

If you don’t want to create a page and just want to return some content, or if you want to make this more dynamic (e.g. let the user set a splashscreen in the site) you can also do it like this:

    'routes' => [

            'pattern' => '/',
            'action'  => function () {
                $site = site();
                $uri = $site->splashscreen();
                return new Kirby\Cms\Response(page($uri)->render(), 'text/html');
            'pattern' => 'home',
            'action'  => function () {
                return new Kirby\Cms\Response(page('home')->render(), 'text/html');

I think I will go with the simpler solution for now, but this is interesting. Would $site->splashscreen() refer to a page select field on the site blueprint in this case?

Yes, either a pages field or simple select. The code is just basic example, in reality you would have to check for an existing page before calling the render method, of course.

if($page = $site->splashscreen()->toPage()) {
   return new Kirby\Cms\Response($page->render(), 'text/html');

I plan to serve a static html file (splash page) generated outside Kirby. I want to use the routes (thank you, texnixe):

‘pattern’ => ‘/’,
‘action’ => function () {
$html = F::load(kirby()->root(‘content’) . ‘/splash/splash-1.html’);
return new Kirby\Cms\Response($html, ‘text/html’); }

Got stuck with an error: “Cannot set response code - headers already sent”. I solved the error by killing the function send() in kirby/src/Http/Response.php:

> public function send(): string
> {
> 	// send the status response code
> 	// http_response_code($this->code());
> 	// send all custom headers
> 	// foreach ($this->headers() as $key => $value) {
> 	// 	header($key . ': ' . $value);
> 	// }
> 	// send the content type header
> 	// header('Content-Type:' . $this->type() . '; charset=' . $this->charset());
> 	// print the response body
> 	return $this->body();
> 	}

Kirby serves my splash screen now :grinning: However, I cannot access the panel :cry: Apparently these lines have a meaning!
I am working on Kirby 4.3. Is the there any update to the routes?
Anyone can help?

$html = F::read(kirby()->root('content') . '/splash/splash-1.html');
return new Kirby\Http\Response($html, 'text/html', 200);

It works! Thank you so much.