to site.txt should do the job. However, this produces an Undefined array key "page.create:after" error. I am probably overseeing something so I’d be grateful for any tips! Thank you!
Sorry for the incomplete information. I did add it manually but with the actual deploy trigger url of course. This is also what it says in the documentation.
The error is thrown when i log into the panel and happens at …/site/plugins/kirby-plugin-webhooks/index.php
so it is an error specific to the plugin.
It happens in the second line here:
return array_reduce($currentTriggers, function ($hooks, $trigger) use ($webhook) {
if (!$hooks[$trigger]) $hooks[$trigger] = array();
$hooks[$trigger][] = array(
'trigger' => $trigger,
'data' => $webhook->toArray()
return $hooks;
}, $hooks);