Hey everyone,
I’m currently storing all my hooks in a seperate file with this line in the config:
'hooks' => require_once 'hooks.php'
To hide some Elements in the panel for specific user roles i started using this modified blueprint path.
My new index file looks like this:
require 'kirby/bootstrap.php';
$kirby = new Kirby();
$user = $kirby->user();
if ($user && $user->role() == 'admin') {
$kirby = new Kirby([
'roots' => [
'blueprints' => __DIR__ . '/site/blueprints/admin',
} elseif ($user && $user->role() == 'leadeditor') {
$kirby = new Kirby([
'roots' => [
'blueprints' => __DIR__ . '/site/blueprints/leadeditor',
} else {
$kirby = new Kirby([
'roots' => [
'blueprints' => __DIR__ . '/site/blueprints/editor',
echo $kirby->render();
Since I started using this method, I get the following error message and it only disappears when I comment out the hook line or reset the config file to it’s basic set up. Anyway the code mentioned above did work.
I tried the same with an empty hook file, but the error didn’t change. To keep things cleaned up, I would be very grateful, if you can help me out with this!
Kirby Version: 3.3.5
PHP: 7.4.1
Does you hooks.php return an array?
return [
// hooks here
Yes, I tried with this empty hook, but no changes.
Could you share your /site/config/config.php
and /site/config/hooks.php
Of course!
//set time zone correctly
//loads env plugin into kirby instance
(new \Beebmx\KirbyEnv('./'))->load();
return [
// environment variable "env" plugin
'debug' => env('KIRBY_DEBUG', false),
// xml sitemap options
'omz13.xmlsitemap.cacheTTL' => 30,
'omz13.xmlsitemap.includeUnlistedWhenSlugIs' => [ 'team', 'impressum', 'datenschutzerklaerung'],
'omz13.xmlsitemap.includeUnlistedWhenTemplateIs' => [ ],
'omz13.xmlsitemap.excludePageWhenTemplateIs' => [ 'error' ],
'omz13.xmlsitemap.excludePageWhenSlugIs' => [ 'error' ],
'omz13.xmlsitemap.excludeChildrenWhenTemplateIs' => [ 'error' ],
// Change home page to 'start'
'home' => 'start',
// Limit picture width (px) at upload
'medienbaecker.autoresize.maxWidth' => 2000,
//activate poor mans cron for autopublish plugin
'bvdputte.kirbyAutopublish.poormanscron' => true,
'bvdputte.kirbyAutopublish.poormanscron.interval' => 5,
// //loads hooks into config file
'hooks' => require_once 'hooks.php'
return [
Here’s also a list of plugins that are installed:
and our own plugin:
Kirby::plugin('formatplus/formatplus', [
// creates virtual user pages
'routes' => [
'pattern' => 'autoren/(:any)',
'action' => function ($value) {
$data = [
'currentUser' => urldecode($value),
return page('autoren')->render($data);
And your hooks.php
is in the same folder as the config.php
Yes, both are in the site/config folder. It even did work until I changed the blueprint path in the index.php file, which is located in the root folder.
, that’s a bit weird.
Do all blueprint folders contain the default.yml
blueprint and a site.yml
Have you checked if any plugins could possibly interfere?
I just checked it, and it seems to be. Here’s the folder structure, which is exactly the same in the leadeditor and the editor folder.
Alright I will uninstall all the plugins and install them one by one to check if they are the cause. I’ll keep you in the loop.
I uninstalled every plugin except for kirby-env to get the error message.
Which has changed and I’m not sure what it means.
According to the error message, there is no /site/templates/default.php
template which is required.
Indeed, was kinda my mistake. I forgot I had some twig code in there and I uninstalled the twig plugin, which most likely caused this error.
Anyways the plugins are uninstalled and the plugins env and twig are still installed to keep everything working and I doubt that one of these can cause the hook error, that is still coming up.
The config.php file:
(new \Beebmx\KirbyEnv('./'))->load();
return [
'debug' => env('KIRBY_DEBUG', false),
'home' => 'start',
'hooks' => require_once 'hooks.php',
The hooks.php file:
return [
The index.php file:
require 'kirby/bootstrap.php';
$kirby = new Kirby();
$user = $kirby->user();
if ($user && $user->role() == 'admin') {
$kirby = new Kirby([
'roots' => [
'blueprints' => __DIR__ . '/site/blueprints/admin',
} elseif ($user && $user->role() == 'leadeditor') {
$kirby = new Kirby([
'roots' => [
'blueprints' => __DIR__ . '/site/blueprints/leadeditor',
} else {
$kirby = new Kirby([
'roots' => [
'blueprints' => __DIR__ . '/site/blueprints/editor',
echo $kirby->render();
Just to clarify: So your setup works when either
- the blueprints are in their normal folder and you define the hooks in a separate file or
- you set up the blueprints like above, but keep the hooks in your config
Is that correct?
And could you provide your project or a simplified version of it for some testing?
Yes, exactly! I just downloaded the starterkit with example content and could reproduce the error. That’s probably the most simplified version.
You can download the setup from this repository: https://gitlab.com/tobias.michaely/hook-error
The problem is require_once
. If you change it to 'hooks' => require 'hooks.php'
, it will work.
Thanks for providing the example!
I think this is because the Kirby object is redefined in index.php
depending on user role.
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You’re right it works now, thank you so much helping me out. Not sure, but maybe you should add a comment about this behavior in your docs?
Well, this whole setup in index.php
with redefining Kirby for different user roles is more a hack than anything we promote officially in the docs. So I wouldn’t really know where to put that…