How do I find source of undefined array key error?

When I change a page from Draft to Public, I get an undefined array key error that I know (through process of elimination) is due to something the IndieConnector plugin is doing while trying to post to Bluesky.

I’ve reached the limits of my small coding knowledge trying to figure out where this is coming from. I have confirmed that this is not due to the wrong PHP version, the plugin supports Kirby 4 and otherwise is working perfectly. I believe I have done the setup/config correctly. I see this error in both my local environment and on prod.

Is there anywhere I can get a more detailed version of that error message? Other than some sort of 500 error in the browser console, I can’t find any clues as to where this undefined array is so that I might try and define it. Does Kirby give me any more than this? Any hints on where I might go looking would be much appreciated!

Please check the php error log, there might be a stack trace. I had a quick look at the plugin source code, and one place I found that uses an array key 1 is line 120 in lib/BlueskySender.php

Thank you for the suggestion! In this case the issue wasn’t writing anything to the error log but I now have one set up and know how to find it :pray:t2: After much digging, it turns out it was an issue with an outdated dependency which has now been updated by the plugin author.