Translating blueprint fields

If I try to translate a field like this:

            en: Title
            es: TĂ­tulo
        type:  text

It doesn’t work, I have to specify the local Spanish variation:

            en: Title
            es_ES: TĂ­tulo
        type:  text

And then it only works for Spanish (Spain).

I suggest that the language code should work for all variations and just had to add the local code when there are differences. In the future, there could be more Spanish or English or other language variations.

There’s already a discussion on GitHub:

OK, I agree with the @lukasbestle comment:

But I agree that we should support setting field translations with the “general” code and allow overrides for variants. Seems like a good idea.

I see it is from January, any idea if it’s going to be implemented?

I have added this to the milestone for Kirby 3 (which is currently being worked on) as it’s a good opportunity to clean up the localizations. And at the same time we can find a better solution for the label translation issue.

OK, danke @texnixe and @lukasbestle