I originally started playing with Kirby v3 and the Editor Plugin. Then Kirby 3.5 appeared with the new blocks field so I updated and changed my blueprints to use blocks instead of the editor and removed the editor plugin.
Now I’ve noticed I keep getting paragraph tags added to the text block. Empty p tags added around the actual content.
I’ve deleted them from the JSON in the txt file.
This works until I go back to the same page in the panel and simply click on a text block. As soon as I do the save button pops up, even though I haven’t edited anything. I click save and check the front-end and txt file and the paragraph tag have been added back in to the text block I clicked on.
Thought it was an issue converting from Editor to Blocks so I’ve tried creating a brand new page but I have the same issues.
I’m guessing the paragraph tags should be added by the text() method in the text.php file?