Subpage builder and "num" property. (bug?)

I can’t get the “num” property in the subpage builder to work. The subpages are built correctly with the given title/uid and template, but it doesn’t add a number to the created subdirectories.

I’ve tried recreating this by using the latest starterkit (2.2.3), and copy pasted in the code from the docs ( in the project.php blueprint file.

It now looks like this:

    - title: Gallery
      uid: gallery
      template: gallery
      num: 1
    - title: Info
      uid: info
      num: 2
      template: info

How can I solve this please?

You can work around this and just add the number in front of the UID, just like the name of the later created folder:

    - title: Gallery
      uid: 1-gallery
      template: gallery
    - title: Info
      uid: 2-info
      template: info

Thanks @jakobploens . I just tested this and it works! :grinning:

It’s a nice workaround I’m gonna use, but still someone should investigate this unexpected behaviour, or update the docs. I’ve spent quite a bit figuring this out yesterday…