How can i get a structure element in a template in a non default language filled up with the untranslated/global values from the default language?
E.g. i am in a "en"glish view, “de” is the default and there are some fields with the “translate:false” setting. This fields should be “merged” to the “en” page object? How?
title: Formular
pages: true
files: true
label: Title
type: text
label: Text
type: textarea
label: Formular
type: structure
#style: table
modalsize: large
entry: >
<u><b>{{_fieldtype}}  </b></u> Name: <i>{{_fieldname}}</i> ID: <b>{{_fieldid}}</b>
width: 1/3
required: true
translate: false
de: Eingabetyp
en: Field type
type: select
_text: Text
_textarea: Textarea
_radio: Radio
_check: Checkbox
_select: Selectbox
_submit: Submit button
_layout: Layout
_info: Info text
width: 1/3
de: Feldname
en: Field name
type: text
width: 1/3
de: Feld-ID
en: Field id
type: text
translate: false
de: Sichtbarkeit
en: Visibility
type: checkboxes
translate: false
width: 2/3
#default: _visible
de: Unsichtbar
en: Invisible
de: Feld Meta Daten
en: Field meta data
type: textarea
create a entry in default language
change to non default language
open the entry
open again
-> non translated values are gone
It doesn’t matter whether is saved to the non default languages untranslateble fields… on the template i need a “merged” version for the selected language… the data from the default language merged/partly overwritten with the current selected language. How can i do this programmatically?
Also the invisibility of untranslateble values from default language in the panel looks very strange. it would be nice if the grayed out fields display the values from the default language even if they will be emptied at save.
As far as I know, content is not inherited inside structure fields. Only the whole field is inherited if it’s completely empty. So this is indeed a bug.