I’ve created a simple field and it works well on most pages but on projects
I got this error:
Fatal error: Method name must be a string in C:\wamp\www\status\panel\app\src\panel\models\page\changes.php on line 71
I don’t know if it’s something I did or a bug. When logging out and in it worked.
I’m worried it will happend again. Any idea why this may accur, except that the method name does not seems to be a string.
Have you provided your code in secret ink? I don’t seem to be able to see it anywhere? 
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Yeah, a really secret project. 
Only for testing purposes. Bugs that feels random is the worst kind.
At the moment it works even for projects
but I don’t feel I’ve changed anything. Kirby 2.3 required.
Did you get this figured out ever? I’m getting the same error message after trying to add a field in a blueprint, and now it’s giving me this same exact error.
I accidentally left off the : when I first added the field in the blueprint, and that’s when it started happening, but have since removed the field entirely and it was still happening. I’ve restarted and it seems to be functioning again now with that field removed. I’m going to attempt re-adding the field though, and see what happens.
Update: adding the same field but with the correct : after a restart of the panel seems to be working.
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@rgolightly: What that some sort of custom field that was causing the error or a standard Panel field?
@texnixe - standard, I think
Here is what ended up working:
label: World Premiere Alternate
type: text
width: 1/4
and here is what I accidentally input originally which broke the panel (temporarily)
label: World Premiere Alternate
type: text
width: 1/4
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