Srcsets vs srcset and format modification


I changed to Kirby Version 3.9.1 and I have the following problem.

If I use srcset I get the expected format conversion and the proper srcset. If I try to use a template srcsets in the config, it doesn’t work.

<picture  class="<?php if($src_dark):?>img_light<?php endif ?>">
   <source srcset="<?=  $block->image()->toFile()->srcset([
                              '400w'  => ['width' => 400, 'format' => 'webp'],
                              '800w'  => ['width' => 800, 'format' => 'webp'],
                              '1200w' => ['width' => 1200, 'format' => 'webp']
                        ]) ?> " alt="<?= $alt ?>" type="image/webp">
   <source srcset="<?=  $block->image()->toFile()->srcsets('avif') ?>" alt="<?= $alt ?>" type="image/avif">
   <img src="<?= $src ?>" alt="<?= $alt ?>">

The first (web) Version works this way. The second (avif) doesn’t work.

My config looks like this:

'thumbs' => [
        'quality' => 80,
        'presets' => [
            'default' => ['width' => 704],
            'thumb' => ['width' => 46, 'height' => 46, 'crop' => true],
            'preview' => ['width' => 250, 'height' => 250, 'crop' => true],
		'srcsets' => [
			'default' => [
				'300w'  => ['width' => 300],
				'600w'  => ['width' => 600],
				'900w'  => ['width' => 900],
				'1200w' => ['width' => 1200],
				'1800w' => ['width' => 1800]
			'avif' => [
				'1200w' => ['width' => 1200, 'format' => 'avif'],
				'1800w' => ['width' => 1800, 'format' => 'avif']
			'webp' => [
				'1200w' => ['width' => 1200, 'format' => 'webp'],
				'1800w' => ['width' => 1800, 'format' => 'webp']

The presets are accessible, the srcsets not.
Is there something I have to do differently?

If I dump: $block->image()->toFile() it is of class Kirby\Cms\File Object and it is an image object.
If I dump: $block->image()->toFile()->srcsets(‘avif’) it is of class Kirby\Cms\Field Object and empty.

Thanks in advance,

The method is still called srcset, not srcsets

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Two hours for one “s”. I really over looked it. Thanks a lot.