sortBy: in blueprint still shows sorting option in panel

In my blueprint i have “sortBy: title asc”.

But when switch the project to public the modal still show the option to select the position.

Is it possible to hide the position order?

Thx in advance!

You can use num: zero instead in the subpage’s blueprint to sort alphabetically instead of the default numbering scheme.

Already found something about “num: zero” before, but it doesn’t affect anything :frowning:

This was my setup before:


title: Artists

  template: false
  url: false
  status: false
  delete: false
  preview: false
  changeTitle: false
  duplicate: false

    extends: sections/projects
    headline: Drafts
    status: draft

    extends: sections/projects
    headline: Online
    status: listed


type: pages
headline: Artists
parent: site.find("projects")
size: tiny
layout: cards
template: project
empty: No drafts yet
sortBy: title asc
  query: page.cover
  cover: true
  ratio: 5/4

You want this to have effect on the subpages, so your project.yml blueprint needs to have num: zero.

Hey, thats it :slight_smile:

But it needs a combination of both, sortBy to order it by X and num zero on the subpage to hide the ordering. Quite confusing for a beginner. But thanks for your help, even on the weekend! :slight_smile: