Snippet inside heading block


So, I designed and coded the following layout:

You can take a look at it at:

Now, this large heading is made of:

  • H1 heading
  • Inner link/anchor tag
  • Multiple snippets that build a ā€œmini cardā€ with a link to another page and a footnote section.

The current markup (hardcoded) goes something like this:

<h1>Como casa productora independiente, <a href="<?php echo page('programas/esto-no-es-radio')->url(); ?>" data-uri="" data-title="<?php echo page('programas/esto-no-es-radio')->title(); ?>"><em>Esto no es radio</em></a> crea y distribuye programas con <?php echo snippet('modules/', ['page_checked' => $story_1, 'number' => '1']) ?> contenido humano, potente y sin fecha de caducidad <?php echo snippet('modules/', ['page_checked' => $story_2, 'number' => '2']) ?>.</h1>

My goal is to be able to reproduce this same layout and structure from within blocks. It can either be a Heading block with internal tags, a markdown block with (again) a tag or maybe a combination of multiple blocks. That is, I need the user to be able to edit this from within Kirby and make it dynamic. :slight_smile:

First question:

  • What would be the best way to be able to include snippets (with parameters) inside a heading (h1) block?

This is the actual snippet with needed parameters:

<?php echo snippet('modules/', ['page_checked' => $story_1, 'number' => '1']) ?>

Second question:

  • Where or what should I be looking for to be able to add more fields to a link button inside the heading block?


Iā€™d like to add a couple of ā€œdata-ā€ fields here once the user click on the URL button. Maybe even include a page link inside one of these fields.

If we take a look at the anchor again from my previous example, I need a ā€œdata-uriā€ and ā€œdata-titleā€ for this work better.

<a href="<?php echo page('programas/esto-no-es-radio')->url(); ?>" data-uri="" data-title="<?php echo page('programas/esto-no-es-radio')->title(); ?>"><em>Esto no es radio</em></a>

I was thinking of making all heading blocks inline in that section only, and then insert those snippets or tags in between blocks, so everything would look like a list made out of blocks. But, I donā€™t know, I guess I found it a bit difficult and confusing to build custom blocks for something like this.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!