@mkeipert’s code sample above helped me to solve this issue:
<option value="All::2,00">
All (2.00 €)
The NaN cart total was indeed caused by the comma in the value field. I’ve switched from sprintf to number_format to avoid these inconsistencies caused by localization.
The latest code is in the dev branch on GitHub, for those interested
I’ve downloaded Shopkit and I’m trying to implement it on a existing site. Is this not possible or just complex? I can’t find a documentation for merge it with my site.
It should be doable, but you have to be careful when merging folders that contain files with the same filenames (blueprints, snippets, templates, controllers, content files etc.).
Basically, what you have to do is unify all the contents of the different folders in \content, \assets and \site.
Hey Sam,
it’s me again . I got really far with your work. But i still didn’t get the invoice PDF to work. So i’m now using JSPDF.js for generating the PDF from client side (since it’s my client in the future, i’ll get around with this).
What i’m gonna do next are few things:
– Put in a select field for the orders, for assigning the orders to users (two different people sending the packages)
– Put in a text field for the tracking number from the parcel service.
And now there are two things, where i might need the help of the community:
– I want to send an email with the content from the single order (price, total sum, shipping etc.) as an invoice
– I want to send a second email with the tracking id assigned to this order.
Since this is quite common for other shops, i think the customer expects this kind of stuff, even though he gets an invoice from his PayPal-account.
Therefore i have some questions:
– You ever used a code where some content of a website gets sent as an email?
– Is it possible to archieve my needs with simple php or do i need a plugin for that?
I’d be very thankful for every help. Thanks so far!
Hi. Without digging into this to find out myself let me ask… is there a checkout page or does this simply send the user to PayPal for checkout? Is there an option out of the box for a seamless integration with PayPal pro or is this meant for the free PayPal accounts?
I really like the idea of Shopkit. I am planning to set up a shop for digital goods and am planning to give Shopkit a try.
One thing I noticed is that you have the following on the features list:
Process payments with PayPal (it’s easy to add other payment gateways)
How easy are we talking about? I ask because I had less then optimal experiences with PayPal. They froze my account three times in the past for no apparent reason. This has left me hesitant to rely on PayPal for anything critical.
If there was an easy way to integrate Stripe (for example) I’d be all ears.
Thanks. I’ll look into that. It’s not urgent on my end yet. I still need to get all my ducks in a row on the product side. But it never hurts to prepare early instead of under deadline pressure.
I everyone! I’m trying to do the following but with no success, any help is very welcome.
I’m trying to display all the categories in one page with all the products and the variants with the buttons to buy them. I think the image explain it better.
Many many thanks, I managed to display the products with its variants and the buy buttons. But the thing now is when I press the “buy” button it took me to the cart but with errors. Here the errors, the “…” are mine to shorten the url. I can’t understand why those variables are missing. Any idea? Thanks again.
Notice: Undefined variable: salePrice in /.../site/plugins/shopkit/shopkit.php on line 266
Notice: Undefined variable: saleStart in /.../site/plugins/shopkit/shopkit.php on line 267
Notice: Undefined variable: saleEnd in /.../site/plugins/shopkit/shopkit.php on line 268
Notice: Undefined variable: saleCodes in /.../site/plugins/shopkit/shopkit.php on line 271
Notice: Undefined variable: salePrice in /.../site/plugins/shopkit/shopkit.php on line 281
Is there a way to send notifications about new orders by default to the admin? I have made the settings in the backend, that notification shall go out in relation to every product. I don’t get notifications at all. where in the code are the notification handled?