Set global config options in a plugin

Is it possible to set global config options in a plugin?
Include a config.php from my plugin in the site → config → config.php ?

I am trying to make a ‘starter’ plugin that shares options and configs.

Yes you can.

If you are creating a plugin and require options to be available in the entire project, you can use the Options from the plugin extensions.

Oops, I meant setting global $kirby config options, like 'debug' => true from a plugin. I’m trying to make a plugin with sane (for me) defaults that I can use from project to project.

Most people create their own “starterkits” for such purposes, rather than trying to put such settings into a plugin, which is not possible. Example: GitHub - tobimori/kirby-baukasten: 🦎 Batteries-included Kirby 4 Boilerplate with Tailwind CSS, Stimulus, TypeScript, Vite & other best practices

got it, thank you!