Searching for "hidden" Kirby themes

The one and only flaw of Kirby CMS is the lack of themes. On getkirby-themes there are always the same. I wonder if there are any source to check, or if among the creatives that read this forum there is someone with a standard theme (no custom projects) available to buy.


You could try this github repo (look in the issues tab for the theme details)

Thank you Jim. Unfortunatly the most recent entry is one year old, and the previous ones are way older.

Well ok yes some are on the older side but still useful i think and obvisouly can be upgraded to current Kirby.

I built a few years ago but were some super simple blog designs. The problem with kirby themes is that are not interchangeable and so once you start with one there’s no easy way to jump to another because of the relationship between frontend, panel and content.

Due to its incredibly flexible nature I think themes will always be a subpar experience on kirby compared to something like wordpress where a lot of things are standardised.

Just out of curiosity… what are you looking for in a theme? (design, code quality etc…)

The type of theme of my dreams is something with a great design but still based on a popular CSS framework (UIkit is my favourite), with none or a few ovverides of it (so it’s possibile to update the framework without issues). Of course, good code quality and frequent updates to avoid the danger of obsolescence, as Kirby evolves.

But what about the actual content of the theme. You’re looking for a theme designed to build what? Because Kirby is not a universal site builder so when you design and code a theme you need to have a target in mind since everything is custom made.

Because if you don’t have a target in mind you will end up in one of two places.

You’ll either find yourself with an opinionated starter kit in your hands and you still have to build most of the stuff yourself and at that point you might as well build the custom starterkit yourself.

Or you’ll have a kitchen sink type of theme that tries to do a million different things, which is what happens in the WP world and it’s precisely what people who use Kirby try to avoid.

Personaly i have a utility theme that has no style on the front end. Instead its a tweaked version of the PlainKit with a build system, and my own sass framework set up. It also has a custom plugin conataining common things i tend to use on most like page methods and stuff. It also has a few basic blueprints set up.

I use this as the foundation for all the sites i build. In my view, thats more useful than a theme. You could something similar but with UiKit setup ready to go.

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Yeah that make sense and I suspect most devs here who use kirby regularly have a custom starterkit. I do but it doesn’t have anything at the frontend level, it’s mostly backend stuff and custom methods and routes. And as you said, this is way more useful than a theme from a dev perspective.

I think if you go full in with blocks & layouts only, you basically need a single template, so with that, you are much more independent of actual page structure, and that’s probably the only way a theme makes sense. However, to be all-purpose, you will need a lot of custom blocks built-in.

Not sure if you’ve already checked, but ‘Zero One’ and ‘Erlega’ are both based on UIkit. Both are regularly updated as the respective changelogs show, albeit as part of an annual sub.

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Actually this is the best part of Kirby. Kirby is very un-opinionated about site structure.
Its a raw toolkit.
Zero-One theme is very good at creating a flexible framework of design elements.
I make my own themes with a subset of tailwind and sass elements.
Ui-kit could be adapted easily to the Kirby starter kit.