Theme or plugins

Hello i have question about this page

Where i can buy similar theme or how i can do section like:
Collection and House News

Are you confident in setting up hosting, installing kirby, code and design the collections yourself ? If not, shoot me an email at

Otherwise this mixed with that would be a great starting point :+1:

A collection of buyable Kirby Themes can be found at: I don’t know if there is anything comparable to what you are looking for, though.

If you are confident with theming, your best bet is to checkout the source code/css of the theme or the parts of the theme you like and build it with Kirby. The Kirby documentation mentioned by @JimmyRittenborg is a good starting point and also the plugin.

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Talking about sections, I would recommend the Kirby Builder Plugin .

@timoetting: Yes, absolutely :smiley:

Awesomeness for such one-pager :ok_hand:

Oh so its popup. hmm i will think about it how to add this. but now about section. i need to do like images of category like
Collection u have menu and buttons of all, category one, two … u know what i mean. but plugin witch builder section help too :slight_smile: