Any interest for premium themes?

Hello awesome Kirby community :slight_smile:
I’m spending a lot of time creating small projects on Kirby to improve my knowledge and become more capable. The latest was to fully convert the Solid Theme from to Kirby with functional panel, blog, filters, portfolio, etc… I’m wondering if there’s anyone that’d be interested in buying a template like that and how much they think it should be charged for.

Also, if anyone has some html templates that they think would make a great kirby template, I’d love to have your thoughts!

Same here - I converted a lot of Bootstrap landing-pages into Kirby themes, like those one;

It’s about half a day work to convert a template like that into a fully loaded / fledged Kirby theme.

I give them away for free, for my clients - it just service.

And since it’s all Bootstrap, it’s all the same :slight_smile: Just alter the DOM / CSS and you’re up and running!

Do you know It a platform for free and paid themes.

Hi Tobias,
Yes I know of that website but my question was to understand the interest for paid themes. I can’t see from the paid themes how many people are buying them. I am wondering whether there are customers for said paid themes. And if not, is it because the themes don’t answer their needs, are too expansive, are not documented well enough, etc.
Basically, right now it feels like a lot of Kirby users are power users and build all their websites from scratch. However, by looking on github at hundreds of Kirby Websites, I have also found that a lot of them are using themes.

I bought a paid theme for my first Kirby Website and ended up changing it so much it’s impossible to recognize it. It was however a great way to learn for me. Deconstruct somebody’s work and adapt it to my needs.

Anyways, I’m hoping more people can share their experiences and feelings about this so we can get an understanding of where the kirby theme scene is going.

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Do you have work whit the Foundation Framework?

Yes - but not related to Kirby.

Zurb / Foundation and Bootstrap are both responsive boilerplates.

Bootstrap is more populair, Foundation is more modern / scalable… but the both do a good job.

Most of my clients want Bootstrap “because they know that name”, like they want Wordpress “because they know that name” and all sites must work on tablet like iPad “because they know that name”.

Bootstrap is not the best boilerplate, Wordpress is not the best CMS en Apple stuff is not best at all… “but they know the name” :stuck_out_tongue:


So I’ve just released my first theme on gumroad. Just to try out the market. I’d love to get some feedback from other theme sellers out there on the number of sales they’re able to get.

If you want to have a look at the theme:

Also, I submitted it on and it was addedd in a few minutes which is great !
Even better is @aoimedia following up with the kirby theme repo right away !


The Bootstrap Framework is soo Powerfull !, and this is the Best Example :smiley:

What about themeforest? Is there a chance to get Kirby listed as a CMS and offer themes there?

I looked at about ten different platforms before choosing gumroad. The fees on themeforest would require large volumes to be profitable. I’m writing an article that compares the different offers and should post it in a couple days to share my experience trying to find the most appropriate platform for my needs.

@Thiousi @schurb What about creativemarket ?

Creativemarket is pretty good. I currently have one theme and one plugin for sale on there. It gives you a large amount of customers to view the product and a lot converts to sales so its more than profitable. I dare say a lot more so than Gumroad but i could be wrong with this.

Themeforest doesn’t have a Kirby category although someone maybe a year or so ago tried to get one started but i don’t think there is enough demand for Kirby themes currently. Most users or maybe more experienced users/dev’s would rather build there own website from scratch rather than use a theme.


Thanks, a lot @Thiousi.
From time to time I need a ready to use theme. Just to offer very cheap websites for my clients, especially non-profit clients. So I can change some colors an logos and they are ready to go.

Your theme looks very solid and clean, i like it. I will keep it in mind for my next projects.

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