Hey Guys,
I´m stuck with Kirby right now, I badly have no Idea how to get this working.
I downloaded a fresh copy of Kirby, moved this to de Debain Server (in my local Windows Network) and wanted to run Kirby there, which worked pretty nice, but there is some fuck up with RewriteBase i think, cause only the home page is working, the others not, e.g. if i´m clicking on a link.
\DEBIAN64\www\site\ is where my Kirby files are stored. I can load the Site in my Network on \brwww\site\ for now, but to get it work i have to get the links on my site working…^^
(It´s an Site only for internal purposes, so it should always be on “Debian64” …
Hopefully someone can help me
(Yes I´m looking at you @lukasbestle)