Problem pinning images on Pinterest?

Hey there! First time here, and I only know basic coding so I’m asking for help with this

I do hand-lettering, and Pinterest is one of my most important social media platforms. So when I tried pinning and the image didn’t show up properly on Pinterest, I was a little worried.

So here is my website, and here is a pinI tried. I’ve tried other pictures, such as the one in the blog, and the problem just seems to appear with my portfolio images, and I don’t know if I coded something wrong?

Worked for me … (i did it manually by using add from website button on the Pinterest site.)

You’re right, looks like there’s something pinterest doesn’t like in your images. I tried to pin 3 of them from different parts of the website and none of them shows up on my board. I tried with one from my site who also runs on kirby and everything is working ok. So there’s definitely something weird going on on your site and/or server.

The image on your about page does show up which is even weirder.

On the pinterest site, in the console I get 403 errors for each of the 3 images and that’s even more bizarre.

I honestly have no idea what’s going on.

Doesn’t seem to be a problem related to protocols either. Images keep failing on both http and https :thinking:

Ok now it seems that everything works fine. Honestly I think this has nothing to do with your site and it’s simply a problem related to the pinterest api.

Just an idea: Maybe images are not recognised when wrapped in a picture tag? At least that is the only difference I could spot between images that worked and images that didn’t work, although I didn’t do any extensive tests and it would be really strange if that was the case.

Maybe a question that is better off in some Pinterest forum or on SO, as this is nothing Kirby related.

It works for some pictures, and not for others.

Gotcha. I was wondering if I maybe had coded something wrong with the masonry, so this was the first place I had thought of asking. So yes, thank you!

Oh, this is SUPER helpful! Thank you, and I’ll head over to Pinterest and see if they know what’s wrong.

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