Possible to add a panel menu item from inside a plugin?

I know it’s possible to add custom menu items to the panel, like in the example below (source).

But can the same be accomplished from inside a plugin?

return [
  'panel' => [
    'menu' => [
      'site' => [
        'label' => 'Overview'
      'form-submissions' => [
        'icon'  => 'archive',
        'label' => 'Form Submissions',
        'link'  => 'pages/form-submissions',
        'current' => function (string $current): bool {
          $path = Kirby\Cms\App::instance()->request()->path()->toString();
          return Str::contains($path, 'pages/form-submissions');

No, it’s a config option, not an extension type.

Okay, I’m now trying with a custom panel area. It’s working but highlighting the current menu item isn’t. Is this fixable?

  'areas' => [
      'form-submissions' => function ($kirby) {
        return [
          'label' => 'Form submissions',
          'icon'  => 'archive',
          'link'  => 'pages/form-submissions',

Try and set

'menu'     => true,

This works for adding it as a menu item, but you can’t change the current item behaviour as shown in the previous example. (Now you will get the problem that the site item is highlighted instead of the new area item.