I would like to extend the panel topbar menu from within a Kirby Plugin without having to manipulate the original panel files. Is this possible? The goal is to simply append a new item (with an icon) and link it to a special panel subpage for the client. I don’t want to make a whole widget for this just for putting a link inside of it.
After hours of research I couldn’t find anything similar both in the Kirby docs and other sources… Does somebody had the same problem too and found a solution?
I am making a plugin which contains the widget and declare it with the registry functions to be loaded up on the panel backend. Just like on kirby-logger. Kirby logger also extended the topbar to create a new panel page with the logs table inside and extended the breadcrumb menu.
I thought if this is possible it must be also a way to solve my “problem” – so this is also not possible from within a widget to append a new menu item?